Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Am no fluffy bunnies,


Happy endings,

Riding off into the sunset with your knight in shining armor person.

People who know me, would know that the last thing I am,

is girly.

Like the all things pink and cutesy and princessy.

Nope. Sorry wrong number.

Hello, I'm one of the largest cynics on Earth. Ask anyone.

I don't believe in happy endings.

I think that every story with a happy ending is complete bullshit.

Despite (and I may sound hypocritical) how satisfying you feel when you read a happy ending.

I think people made that happy ending just to make us all feel better about ourselves.

To think, oh if this happened to so-and-so (insert dreamy hero/heroine name here),

It can happen to me.

Hence, hope (cue shining light with angels singing in background)


Problems don't go away.

They come and go,

Disturb the calm.

Cause discord among people,

Ties severed,

Hearts broken.

It comes to a point when you have to realize that after slaying one dragon,

A newer, meaner one comes out.

So you can't expect to ride into the sunset peacefully and nothing else is going to disturb your happy lives.

The only thing we can do about it, is to solve the problem.



I don't believe in sitting, waiting, and dreaming.

Hoping the problem solves itself.

You may as well crossover to lah-lah-land.

I slay my own monsters.

But in solving that problem comes another problem:

It depends if both parties want to solve it.

If one wants to and the other doesn't, what's the point?

So there's another problem,

The party that wants to solve the problem has to think of a way to solve that problem,

But how does the party do it when the other party is unwilling?

And in that problem comes another problem.

And if that problem isn't solved, the problem doesn't go away.

Am I making sense?

Probably not.

Bottom line, happy endings, no such thing.

I never believed in it, and I never will.

Besides, who says every story needs an ending?

If there's an ending to each of our stories,

It'd be death.

Sounds depressing, don't it?

Now there's another problem...

And again I'm not making any sense.

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