I was just going off to bed, when I had this sudden urge to check my Ymail account.
I hadn't looked into it for weeks cos I don't normally use it anymore.
First message I saw, was this:
(click to enlarge)
She made it sound like I proposed a relationship with her.....
"I am sorry for your concern with my Proposal for a relationship with you"
Uh... No need to be sorry, I am not concerned, neither did I propose anything to you.
"but I know that it will grant my request in good faith and understanding,"
So you're just gonna take up any proposal lah? Even if it's non existent? You might want to check out this dude. He'll propose to you in the next message.
"But bear in mind that Love has no colors barrier, no educational back ground barrier, no socio-economic Barrier, religious, linguistic, the nationality or distance barrier, the only important thing is love."
Uh... Okay. For one thing woman, I am straight....
For another thing, I didn't realise that you could fall in love with a person's email address, causing you to magically fall in love with the person as well. I know my email address very sexy la but tone it down, will ya?
I don't know which is freakier, this chick, or this dude .
I don't even know where she came from.
Or how she got a hold of my email, cos I never give it out to anyone unless I know the person.
Or it could be a spam mail. Yeah, let's go with that.
Now can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY they kicked him out?
I don't follow the AI series that much (my schedule is borderline crazy. So it's a privilege if I get to watch anything on the television), and in this season, I only managed to watch the first episode.
This was the ONE guy who made me actually go WOW.
If it were humanly possible to melt just like that, I would have.
Out of all the contestants I watched in that episode, he was the one I remembered the most.
Because of his great voice. His ever so melting Oh My Great Granny voice.
He IMPROVED Joan Osbourne's "What If God Was One of Us".
In my books, you had to be really really good to surpass the singer of a good song.
And I thought hey, this guy has talent.
Despite the fact that he still needs to learn to control his voice, the fact remains that this dude has raw talent.
Few more lessons and he'd be mind-blowingly great.
So when I got the news from a friend yesterday (yes lah I live in a cave), I was pissed.
So I finally got my hands on the movie and made myself watch it, just to see if the information was correct.
And boy, was it ever.
Not only did they project the image of this movie wrongly, they also managed to churn it into a High School Musical copycat. As if that was gonna sell.
They appealed to the HSM/Disney fans who (I bet) were probably largely disappointed when they got out of the cinema because they were expecting a HSM/Camp Rock-ish movie.
But no, they got a quirky, unique, Juno-like film about a boy who obsessively writes letter to David Bowie (and never getting an answer).
And the target audience that they SHOULD be appealing to, were probably already largely turned off by the poster.
These people sold the movie a la Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka - Big mistake. Hudgens and Michalka were only side characters. The person in the limelight was Gaelan Connell, the guy who plays Will Burton.
And they made the supporting actresses seem like the main characters.
And hello, Vanessa Hudgens played a goth girl. WHY IS SHE SMILING SO HAPPILY IN THE POSTER IF SHE'S GOTH??
I'll admit, despite finding all that info about the film, I was skeptical (can't be too careful these days).
So I half expected some character to suddenly burst into a song a la a musical.
But no one did, unless the band was playing (it's a movie about a battle of the bands competition so go figure).
Plus, due to my perception of Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka as "Disney people", I doubted that they could pull off an indie film (that is not to say that they are horrible actresses).
To my surprise they managed to pull it off. Well, Aly pulled it off better than Vanessa. Vanessa looked like she was trying too hard in the beginning. To me lah.
What Bandslam really is, is an Indie film in Disney-fied clothing. It's actually very Juno.
The plot was.... predictable, yet not all that predictable at all. Which was something I liked.
You could see where the story was going, but there were a few twists.
And the music was surprisingly good.
Dear Rob Freidman, just because you have two very famous actresses, doesn't mean you can always use their star power to bring audiences in. There is always a better way to market this.
You're bringing in the wrong people, which can kill a good product.
I think it's a waste that a pretty good movie got butchered just 'cos of the lousy marketing. It's a shame, really.
You Take My Troubles Away by Rachael Yamagata and Dan Wilson.
Part of the soundtrack from Dear John. :)
This song has a very light and easy tune, a huge difference from Ms. Yamagata's last duet with Ray LaMontagne.
Duet, from the New Moon soundtrack, which has a very sorrowful tune.
I actually expected You Take My troubles Away to be about as emo as Duet, but I was wrong.
Old words when there's so much to tell, and I don't know when I'll be there again.
In life, when you're driven away, Will you recognize the one who returns? Sweet one, the beauty that you are in the dawn Dear love, all I ask is that you hold on.
Nonetheless, it is still a beautiful song.
However, I don't really hear much of Dan Wilson's vocals.
It was more like Rachael's voice was highlighted throughout the song,
And Dan Wilson was more of "background music".
Or it could be because Rachael's voice is very distinct.
Other than that I have no problems. :)
From the moment I heard about it, I've been searching frantically all over Google to have a listen at this song. Needless to say, I wasn't very successful.
That is, until Chester posted it up on my wall for me.