Friday, May 28, 2010

Going Back

If you had the power of time travel,

Or the choice to travel through time,

Would you take it?

If you asked me,

I wouldn't.

I mean, it'd be nice to correct our past mistakes,

To make it all right.

But when I really think about it,

It's those mistakes,

Those flaws that I hate,

Those things I did and that I regret,

That make me who I am.

You see, people make mistakes.

It's part of human nature.

Doesn't matter who you are, you're bound to make these mistakes.

But the best part of it all is that you learn from them,

And try not to make them again.

No matter how huge the mistake it is,

I personally feel that as long as you learned something, it's all that matters.

Which is also why I believe in second chances.

And also why I believe in constant forgiveness.

Because we're all human.

There's no point bitching about each other, really.

For all you know you might make a bigger mistake than others.

And honestly, if we could all travel through time and correct every mistake,

We'd have a perfect world.

And to me, that's pretty boring.

It's these little quirks in our world that makes it so interesting, don't you agree?

I'll end this with one of my favorite quotes:

"God doesn't give you the people you want,

He gives you the people you need.

To hurt you,

To love you,

To teach you,

To break you,

To turn you into the person you're supposed to be."

- Unknown

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