Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Over and Done with?

Alright now,

I'm no great shakes as a writer.

In fact, I probably suck worse than most writers.

Which is probably why this blog has so little viewers.

So why am I continuing?

Wouldn't it be better for me to just.. Delete this entire blog?

I might as well do it.

To tell the truth, a while back I was considering converting to Tumblr (yes I know I have a Tumblg), and deleting this blog.

So I created my Tumblg.

Proceeded to set it up.

Followed people, reblogged, posted whatever lame stuff I thought was cool.

Then I proceeded to my Blogger account.

Clicked to my account page, and proceeded to the little icon that said "Delete Blog".

Then I stopped.

I couldn't do it.

My rational mind was going "Come on, idiot! Click the stupid icon!"

But I didn't.

Now I'll tell you why I didn't.

It's the same reason why you're still able to read this lousy excuse of a blog.

It's because I love writing.

And yes, maybe I do suck.

Maybe the topics I come up with, suck more than the suckiest blogs around.

Maybe in a few years' time when I'm a seasoned copywriter, I'll look back and smack myself for being so boring.

But at this moment I know that I love what I'm doing.

And I'm definitely getting better.

Sucks to you, haters.

Eileen Speaks is here to stay.


Anonymous said...

WHaaaatt. This post is so... ==

Isley Chang~ said...

just continue what you love to do. support u~ add oil!

Eileen said...

Heee... Thanks!


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