Saturday, August 04, 2007

You're beautiful

It's undeniable. Every girl wants to look beautiful. Or to think they are. I used to go around looking at people's profiles here and there.... And whenever I see girls acting cute (regardless whether they're cute or not...) I'd scoff at them and criticise them. It was wrong, I know. I've stopped. I don't wanna judge anymore.

However, if you really think about it, every girl wants to look beautiful too. Myself included. But then, I'm really quite happy the way I am. Honestly, if we all walked out looking like Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba or one of the top 10 most beautiful women in the world, we wouldn't be unique, would we? We'd all look the same and... That's kinda scary.

You don't have to make your eyes 3 times bigger than usual or pose in some kinda cute way to look cute. You're perfect the way you are. You don't need to. Sometimes you look worse when you do that. Did you know? You may look in the mirror and think: " Eew. I'm so ugly." But hey, you have all your eyes, lips, and nose. Isn't that a blessing? I think everyone's beautiful in their own way, regardless of how they look.

My friend Jon, once told me, if a woman has confidence, she's sexy. He's right. I don't mean confidence in the wrong way lar..... Anyway, it doesn't really matter how beautiful you look. If you're so mean and unkind, who wants you?

Accept yourself the way you are.
Looks don't matter at all. People who are beautiful inside are the most beautiful of all.

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